Workshop Overview

Day 1 – Registration and Welcome Reception

Students will register at the venue and attend a Welcome Reception where they will meet staff, students and parents. They will introduce themselves and mix with the other students and learn about the exciting and intensive sessions they will embark upon the following day.

Day 2 – Expectations and Educational Opportunities and Formal dinner

The focus for Day 2 will be on the knowledge and skills that the students already possess prior to starting at boarding school. Students will examine the expectations from a personal, family, cultural and school perspective. Furthermore, it will ensure that students understand the importance of this educational opportunity and value the chance to grow both personally and academically. At the formal dinner students will be able to enjoy a new cultural experience and put their learning into action.

Day 3 – Skills for a Successful Transition and Farewell Afternoon Tea

The focus for Day 3 will be on equipping students with the skills and strategies required for a successful transition to ensure that they are able to maximise the academic and social opportunities offered by their new schools. The culmination of their hard work and new-found skills will be celebrated in the Farewell Afternoon Tea.

Seminar Leader

The Workshop Leader is Ceri Thomson M.Ed., B.Ed (Hons) and she will deliver the content of the Familiarisation Workshops. Ceri has 28 years of experience in education and has enjoyed a varied teaching career; firstly as a Head of Music in the state sector and then in the independent sector as a Prep School teacher, Director of Studies, Deputy Head and Headmistress in London. Her teaching experience and comprehensive leadership background enables her to instruct with authority in this field and she looks forward to supporting, tutoring and mentoring the students as they embark on this exciting stage of their academic career.